from torchnlp._third_party.weighted_random_sampler import WeightedRandomSampler
from torchnlp.utils import identity
[docs]class BalancedSampler(WeightedRandomSampler):
""" Weighted sampler with respect for an element's class.
data (iterable)
get_class (callable, optional): Get the class of an item relative to the entire dataset.
get_weight (callable, optional): Define a weight for each item other than one.
kwargs: Additional key word arguments passed onto `WeightedRandomSampler`.
>>> from torchnlp.samplers import DeterministicSampler
>>> data = ['a', 'b', 'c'] + ['c'] * 100
>>> sampler = BalancedSampler(data, num_samples=3)
>>> sampler = DeterministicSampler(sampler, random_seed=12)
>>> [data[i] for i in sampler]
['c', 'b', 'a']
def __init__(self, data_source, get_class=identity, get_weight=lambda x: 1, **kwargs):
classified = [get_class(item) for item in data_source]
weighted = [float(get_weight(item)) for item in data_source]
class_totals = {
k: sum([w for c, w in zip(classified, weighted) if k == c]) for k in set(classified)
weights = [w / class_totals[c] if w > 0 else 0.0 for c, w in zip(classified, weighted)]
super().__init__(weights=weights, **kwargs)