Source code for torchnlp.utils

import logging
import inspect
import collections

import torch

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_tensors(object_, seen=set()):
    if torch.is_tensor(object_):
        return [object_]

    elif isinstance(object_, (str, float, int)) or id(object_) in seen:
        return []

    tensors = set()

    if isinstance(object_,
        for value in object_.values():
            tensors.update(_get_tensors(value, seen))
    elif isinstance(object_,
        for value in object_:
            tensors.update(_get_tensors(value, seen))
        members = [
            value for key, value in inspect.getmembers(object_)
            if not isinstance(value, (, type(None)))
        tensors.update(_get_tensors(members, seen))

    return tensors

[docs]def get_tensors(object_): """ Get all tensors associated with ``object_`` Args: object_ (any): Any object to look for tensors. Returns: (list of torch.tensor): List of tensors that are associated with ``object_``. """ return _get_tensors(object_)
[docs]def sampler_to_iterator(dataset, sampler): """ Given a batch sampler or sampler returns examples instead of indices Args: dataset ( Dataset to sample from. sampler ( Sampler over the dataset. Returns: generator over dataset examples """ for sample in sampler: if isinstance(sample, (list, tuple)): # yield a batch yield [dataset[i] for i in sample] else: # yield a single example yield dataset[sample]
[docs]def flatten_parameters(model): """ ``flatten_parameters`` of a RNN model loaded from disk. """ model.apply(lambda m: m.flatten_parameters() if hasattr(m, 'flatten_parameters') else None)
[docs]def split_list(list_, splits): """ Split ``list_`` using the ``splits`` ratio. Args: list_ (list): List to split. splits (tuple): Tuple of decimals determining list splits summing up to 1.0. Returns: (list): Splits of the list. Example: >>> dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> split_list(dataset, splits=(.6, .2, .2)) [[1, 2, 3], [4], [5]] """ assert sum(splits) == 1, 'Splits must sum to 1.0' splits = [round(s * len(list_)) for s in splits] lists = [] for split in splits[:-1]: lists.append(list_[:split]) list_ = list_[split:] lists.append(list_) return lists
[docs]def get_total_parameters(model): """ Return the total number of trainable parameters in ``model``. Args: model (torch.nn.Module) Returns: (int): The total number of trainable parameters in ``model``. """ return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
[docs]def torch_equals_ignore_index(tensor, tensor_other, ignore_index=None): """ Compute ``torch.equal`` with the optional mask parameter. Args: ignore_index (int, optional): Specifies a ``tensor`` index that is ignored. Returns: (bool) Returns ``True`` if target and prediction are equal. """ if ignore_index is not None: assert tensor.size() == tensor_other.size() mask_arr = tensor = tensor.masked_select(mask_arr) tensor_other = tensor_other.masked_select(mask_arr) return torch.equal(tensor, tensor_other)
[docs]def is_namedtuple(object_): return hasattr(object_, '_asdict') and isinstance(object_, tuple)
[docs]def lengths_to_mask(*lengths, **kwargs): """ Given a list of lengths, create a batch mask. Example: >>> lengths_to_mask([1, 2, 3]) tensor([[ True, False, False], [ True, True, False], [ True, True, True]]) >>> lengths_to_mask([1, 2, 2], [1, 2, 2]) tensor([[[ True, False], [False, False]], <BLANKLINE> [[ True, True], [ True, True]], <BLANKLINE> [[ True, True], [ True, True]]]) Args: *lengths (list of int or torch.Tensor) **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``torch.zeros`` upon initially creating the returned tensor. Returns: torch.BoolTensor """ # Squeeze to deal with random additional dimensions lengths = [l.squeeze().tolist() if torch.is_tensor(l) else l for l in lengths] # For cases where length is a scalar, this needs to convert it to a list. lengths = [l if isinstance(l, list) else [l] for l in lengths] assert all(len(l) == len(lengths[0]) for l in lengths) batch_size = len(lengths[0]) other_dimensions = tuple([int(max(l)) for l in lengths]) mask = torch.zeros(batch_size, *other_dimensions, **kwargs) for i, length in enumerate(zip(*tuple(lengths))): mask[i][[slice(int(l)) for l in length]].fill_(1) return mask.bool()
[docs]def collate_tensors(batch, stack_tensors=torch.stack): """ Collate a list of type ``k`` (dict, namedtuple, list, etc.) with tensors. Inspired by: Args: batch (list of k): List of rows of type ``k``. stack_tensors (callable): Function to stack tensors into a batch. Returns: k: Collated batch of type ``k``. Example use case: This is useful with ```` which requires a collate function. Typically, when collating sequences you'd set ``collate_fn=partial(collate_tensors, stack_tensors=encoders.text.stack_and_pad_tensors)``. Example: >>> import torch >>> batch = [ ... { 'column_a': torch.randn(5), 'column_b': torch.randn(5) }, ... { 'column_a': torch.randn(5), 'column_b': torch.randn(5) }, ... ] >>> collated = collate_tensors(batch) >>> {k: t.size() for (k, t) in collated.items()} {'column_a': torch.Size([2, 5]), 'column_b': torch.Size([2, 5])} """ if all([torch.is_tensor(b) for b in batch]): return stack_tensors(batch) if (all([isinstance(b, dict) for b in batch]) and all([b.keys() == batch[0].keys() for b in batch])): return {key: collate_tensors([d[key] for d in batch], stack_tensors) for key in batch[0]} elif all([is_namedtuple(b) for b in batch]): # Handle ``namedtuple`` return batch[0].__class__(**collate_tensors([b._asdict() for b in batch], stack_tensors)) elif all([isinstance(b, list) for b in batch]): # Handle list of lists such each list has some column to be batched, similar to: # [['a', 'b'], ['a', 'b']] → [['a', 'a'], ['b', 'b']] transposed = zip(*batch) return [collate_tensors(samples, stack_tensors) for samples in transposed] else: return batch
[docs]def tensors_to(tensors, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply ```` to tensors in a generic data structure. Inspired by: Args: tensors (tensor, dict, list, namedtuple or tuple): Data structure with tensor values to move. *args: Arguments passed to ````. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ````. Example use case: This is useful as a complementary function to ``collate_tensors``. Following collating, it's important to move your tensors to the appropriate device. Returns: The inputted ``tensors`` with ```` applied. Example: >>> import torch >>> batch = [ ... { 'column_a': torch.randn(5), 'column_b': torch.randn(5) }, ... { 'column_a': torch.randn(5), 'column_b': torch.randn(5) }, ... ] >>> tensors_to(batch, torch.device('cpu')) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [{'column_a': tensor(...}] """ if torch.is_tensor(tensors): return*args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(tensors, dict): return {k: tensors_to(v, *args, **kwargs) for k, v in tensors.items()} elif hasattr(tensors, '_asdict') and isinstance(tensors, tuple): # Handle ``namedtuple`` return tensors.__class__(**tensors_to(tensors._asdict(), *args, **kwargs)) elif isinstance(tensors, list): return [tensors_to(t, *args, **kwargs) for t in tensors] elif isinstance(tensors, tuple): return tuple([tensors_to(t, *args, **kwargs) for t in tensors]) else: return tensors
[docs]def identity(x): return x